Podatki v zapisu Text Encoding Initiative
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<idno type="URL">http://www.slovenska-biografija.si/oseba/sbi931300/</idno>
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<persName source="#preverjeno">
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche",
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 (7.2.2023) -->
<persName source="#preverjeno">
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche".
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 (7.2.2023) -->
<persName source="#preverjeno">
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche".
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 (7.2.2023) -->
<persName type="artistic" source="#preverjeno">
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche".
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 (7.2.2023) -->
<name>Giovanni da Cherso</name>
<persName type="artistic" source="#preverjeno">
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche".
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 (7.2.2023) -->
<name>Giovanni da Cerso</name>
<persName type="artistic" source="#preverjeno">
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche".
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 (7.2.2023) -->
<name>Giovanni Schiavone</name>
<persName type="incorrect" source="#preverjeno">
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche".
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 (7.2.2023) -->
<name>Giovanni del Carso Schiavone</name>
<persName type="incorrect" source="#preverjeno">
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche".
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 (7.2.2023) -->
<name>Ivan Schiavone da Carso</name>
<persName type="incorrect" source="#preverjeno">
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche".
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 (7.2.2023) -->
<name>Ivan Schiavone del Carso</name>
<occupation scheme="#occupation" code="#slikar"/>
<date notAfter="1595" notBefore="1560">2. pol. 16. stol.</date>
<settlement xml:lang="it">Roma</settlement>
<geo>41.9027835 12.4963655</geo>
<date type="around" when="1540" source="#preverjeno">ok. 1520</date>
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche",
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 -->
<placeName source="#preverjeno">
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche",
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 -->
<geogName>otok Cres</geogName>
<geo>44.9606942 14.4091703</geo>
<date when="1595-06-09" source="#preverjeno">9. jun. 1595</date>
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche",
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 -->
<placeName source="#preverjeno">
<!-- Vir: Borić, Laris: Forgotten "Schiavone": a reconstruction of the artistic profile of Ivan Gapić (Giovanni da Cherso), Vasari's "assai buon maestro delle grottesche",
Il Capitale culturale, Supplementi 07 (2018), str. 119-136 -->
<settlement xml:lang="it">Roma</settlement>
<geo>41.9027835 12.4963655</geo>
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